Posts for GUN HUMOR


Genius of the Week: Teen Tries to Rob Store with Plastic Squirt Gun

GUN HUMOR, GUN NEWS - Annie Stonebreaker - March 22, 2016

We thought you could use a chuckle What a smart little squirt… Lol sorry, had to! Authorities say a man tried to…

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“Stop Gun Violence to Animals!” Would Be Gun-Control Advocates’ Reaction to this LOL Video

GUN HUMOR, VIDEOS - Annie Stonebreaker - January 15, 2016

Take a time-out from hard news and have a chuckle or two on us Now you’re going to try and teach your…

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star wars-facebook

What Not To Do: Man Threatened Friend with Gun After Star Wars Spoiler

GUN HUMOR, GUN NEWS - Annie Stonebreaker - December 23, 2015

We get it, Star Wars is so important… but really dude?… Guys, don’t ruin Star Wars for your friends. But more important than…

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Robber Shoots Himself in the Family Jewels While Pulling Gun

GUN HUMOR, GUN NEWS - Annie Stonebreaker - October 20, 2015

Man tries to rob a convenience store, shoots himself in the groin instead According to Fox13Now, a 24-year-old man somehow managed to…

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“Polite” Robber Apologizes and Flees After Cashier Pulls Own Gun

DEFENSIVE GUN USE, GUN HUMOR, GUN NEWS - Annie Stonebreaker - October 1, 2015

Man brings gun to rob store, leaves with nothing but regret So this 43 year old man thought the best thing to do…

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Two THUGS 1400 Miles Apart Shoot Themselves in the Man Cannon

GUN HUMOR, GUN NEWS - Annie Stonebreaker - September 28, 2015

Two separate crooks accidentally shoot themselves in the junk Via A pair of criminals some 1,400 miles apart this month had…

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Man Exterminating Puppies Gets Ultimate Surprise When Puppy Fires Back

GUN HUMOR, GUN NEWS - Annie Stonebreaker - September 22, 2015

Puppy steps on trigger and puts an end to this mans evil plan Via Brandon at Concealed Nation So apparently this man…

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top ten video game guns

Top Ten Guns Used in Video Games

D&C ORIGINAL VIDEOS, GUN HUMOR, GUN NEWS, VIDEOS - Annie Stonebreaker - September 16, 2015

Top Ten Guns Used in Video Games Top Ten Guns Used in Video Games From spray and pray tactics with a 2,000…

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Texas Gun Rights Ignored by Whataburger’s Company President

GUN HUMOR, GUN NEWS, GUN RIGHTS - David - July 13, 2015

Whataburger learns not to mess with Texans’ gun rights; customers fight back Carmine Sabia, Bizpac Review A fast-food chain put itself right…

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Would You Like A Side of Lead With That? Servers Come Armed in Rifle, Colorado

GUN HUMOR, GUN NEWS, GUN RIGHTS - David - July 7, 2015

At Colo. restaurant, menu comes with armed waitresses Trevor Hughes, USA Today RIFLE, Colo. — At Shooters Grill, you can decide whether…

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