For real hunters, the night is only a continuation of the day. At this time of the day, a real professional can get a fantastic trophy that will take a worthy place in his rich collection. Night hunting is available to beginners. This lesson requires a unique approach, thorough preparation, and compliance with strict security rules. If everything is done correctly, you can get maximum pleasure and return home, not empty-handed. As a potential production, night hunters should choose 1-2 species of animals from the list of the most popular species. It is about them that we will tell you in our short review.
One of the most desirable trophies for each hunter is a deer. His tender and valuable substances, the meat will be an excellent addition to dinner, and branchy horns will become a perfect decoration, daily reminiscent of unforgettable minutes of hunting. This noble animal is one of the herbivores that lead an everyday lifestyle. The peak of their activity is observed at the time of sunrise and sunset. In this regard, the night hunter will always be attractive to obtain such a trophy. To do this, it is enough to find the location of the resting herd and approach it at the distance of the shot. It will be challenging to make the latter since deer have a good sense of smell, thanks to which they can smell a person long before his arrival. In addition, the complexity lies in the excellent hearing of the animal. Because of him, the hunter must move as quietly as possible.
To hunt a deer at night, you need to use different optics. It should have an increased range since the animal is unlikely to let a person close. Ideally, thermal imagers should be used. They will help to find a motionless resting individual even in a very complex area (for example, in places with thick vegetation). In addition, the hunter will need a long-range weapon with ammunition intended for firing in large mammals.
Roe deer
For all, without exception, the hunters are roe deer. It is appreciated for its low-fat meat, which can be consumed in large quantities even by children. This product is rich in beneficial substances and is very pleasant to taste. There are many varieties of these herbivores. Each has its characteristic features and chooses a specific meta for itself. Despite the vast array of roe deer, the night hunt for each is similar. In all cases, the hunter needs to be as careful as possible. After sunset, the role of the roan is aggravated by smell and hearing so that they can hear or smell a person in several hundred meters. All this, combined with the innate cowardice of herbivores, makes tracking quite complicated.
During a night hunt for a roe deer, several types of night optics should be used at once. Using the thermal imager, it will be possible to determine the location of a dormant herd. At the same time, binoculars with night vision or monoculars will allow us to consider animals better and choose potential prey. To increase the chances during shooting, it is advisable to use an extraordinary sight designed for the dark day.
Wild boar
It is unlikely that anything can be compared with the well-cooked meat of a wild boar. It is tasty, nutritious, and healthy for humans. To get it at night, you must first shoot the animal. It will be challenging to do this since wild boars are considered one of the most intelligent animals. They are perfectly disguised on the ground and adapt to environmental conditions. In addition, close relatives of domestic pigs have excellent hearing, and the ability to dash can be compared with the best sprinters in the world. All of the above requires the hunter's maximum caution. The optimal moment for searching and tracking wild boars is the feeding period. It lasts almost all night, so hunters will have enough time to approach the shot's distance.
Finding boars at night is always very difficult. Despite their external clumsiness, they act quietly enough. It would be best to have a thermal imager or a high-quality night vision to find suitable animals. They must have a large viewing angle so the hunter can quickly view the surrounding area. Also, on the hunt, no night vision glasses will be extra. They will help to safely move in places with thick vegetation and overcome any obstacles on the way.
Different types of bears often become the prey of night hunters. Although fat enough, these animals attract attention with their skin and meat, which is considered one of the most useful. To shoot a bear, you must first find it. By nature, these animals are loners. Only during the mating and raising of the cubs can you see several individuals nearby. In this regard, only 1-2 bears can be present in a vast territory. Finding them won't be easy, even with ultra-modern night optics. Additional complexity lies in the well-developed senses of the mammal. Because of this, the bear can learn about your presence much earlier than you see him in your binoculars.
To hunt a bear, you must use large-caliber weapons with appropriate ammunition. From the night optics in the hunter’s backpack, various devices should help see the animal from a great distance. This will not only increase the chances of the successful completion of hunting but also increase safety. The latter should never be forgotten since all the bears are giant and aggressive creatures. They can suddenly attack a person and kill him with their powerful jaws.
This animal is not in vain called the king of animals. Most adult lions are characterized by excellent strength, endurance, courage, and other qualities. In this regard, receiving such a trophy on a night safari is the dream of all real hunters. It is always challenging to get a lion's head. These predators become hunters at night, so there is always a chance that they will not be prey but you. In addition to the need to comply with safety rules, the problem for a person with a rifle will be the excellent night vision of the lion, as well as his increased sense of smell. Thanks to such qualities, the animal will find you much earlier than you. Even if it is possible to disguise yourself and your smell well, succeeding will still be very difficult.
Before you go to the night safaris and look for a lion, you must prepare several modern optics models. So for hunting, you will need binoculars or a monocular night vision, an optical sight designed to be used in the dark, and glasses that allow you to see at night (you need to safely drive a car, from which, most often, hunters track lions and take their shots). All of the listed optics will have to be used for its protection. With its help, you must regularly inspect the territory and monitor the potentially dangerous animals.
The skin and head of the leopard will become excellent trophies, which the hunter will be proud of for the rest of his life. You must make maximum effort and show all your skills to get them. These large cats are fearless killers at the top of the food chain. They are so solid and elegant that they can even kill a crocodile. Among other features of leopards, their love for the crown of trees should be distinguished. It is there that this animal loves to spend most of the day. However, hunting for a leopard is best at night. At this time, he descends from his "house" and searches for food. The hunting process takes a lot of effort from him, which becomes a great chance for a person. If you wait for the moment of a successful or unsuccessful attack by a leopard on any animal, the probability of obtaining a trophy will increase repeatedly.
During hunting for wild cats, it is always important to remember the personal safety and rules of the safari, which operate in a particular region. In some cases, hunters will be forbidden to use specific night optics. If there is no such prohibition, using any night vision device with the highest possible range and sight is advisable, with the function of multiple zoom. Since you have to shoot from a long distance, the weapon must be chosen appropriately. It should be well-prepared and convenient to use.
Different types of tigers have always attracted the attention of night-hunting lovers. These large predators sometimes behave like domestic cats. However, after a second, they can attack their victim. Hunting is allowed only for some types of tigers. The rest are listed in the Red Book and are protected by environmental organizations. To shoot the tiger, you need to mask your smell carefully, try to merge with the surrounding nature, and, while preparing for the shot, not make a single sound. If you do not fulfill one of the listed rules, the tiger must notice the presence of a person and run away to a safe place.
Night hunting for tigers, most often, is carried out on cars. Therefore, a hunter can take many valuable devices and devices with him. These always included a night vision device. It will help to find the animal in the moon's light and determine its approximate distance. Next, you must use a long-range weapon with a sight that allows you to see at night. If possible, then thermal images must be taken on safari. They will also help find a tiger and enable the opportunity to monitor the situation. If this is not done, then you can instantly turn from a hunter into someone else's prey.
One of the most exciting rivals of any night hunter is the coyote. This relatively small animal always surprises people with their behavior, so predicting its further actions is always very difficult. This dramatically complicates the hunter's task and allows him to fight a clever, cunning, cautious predator. During the hunt for coyotes, it will be necessary to monitor the pack's behavior for a long time. If you neglect this, coyote will undoubtedly find the presence of a person with his developed senses. Each region has its own rules for hunting for these animals. Therefore, it is essential to study this information before the trip carefully. Otherwise, you can break the law and get a significant fine.
Hunting at night for a coyote with good optics is only possible. It should provide the user with a high-quality picture from a considerable distance. In addition, the hunter will need other devices to help ensure security in the territory chosen for hunting. The thermal imagers will cope with such work best. They will notice all the warm-blooded creatures within the device's radius and, if necessary, take specific measures until the moment of contact with dangerous animals.
The wolf howl at the full moon makes many recall the horror films and think about the need to go to a meeting with him. However, this does not scare real hunters who want to get this animal, which means instantly becoming a professional. Wolf can be found day and night. They are most active in the dark when they are engaged in the search and fishing. These animals have excellent mental abilities and observe the laws of a wolf pack. Each of their action is thoughtful and executed with ideal accuracy. You need to use unique methods to shoot such a predator at night. Just like that, the wolves will not let the person go to the distance of the shot. Due to the increased complexity of such a hunt, it is considered one of the most exciting and prestigious.
You can find out about the presence of a wolf by its characteristic howl, which cannot be confused with the voice of any other animal. At the same time, detecting it in the dark will take work. Most often, hunters use thermal imagers for this. They will make it possible to scan the area and look behind various obstacles (for example, see wolves hidden behind bushes or foliage of trees). Naturally, a sight intended for the night will also be required to shoot these animals accurately. If you plan to not sit in one place but walk through the woods in search of a predator, then the presence of night vision glasses will be an additional plus.
One of the most beautiful and famous predators attracts hunters with its luxurious fur coat. It is pretty expensive and is the perfect material for creating various fashionable wardrobe items. It is relatively simple to get such a trophy in daylight hours. However, at night, this is many times more difficult. After sunset, the fox becomes as careful as possible. She hunts small mammals and overcomes vast distances in a short period. In addition to its endurance, the fox is famous for its beautiful smell and hearing. Because of this, it is unlikely that it will be possible to come close to the animal. The only viable option for trophy production is shooting from a long distance.
To shoot a fox, you must have a high-quality night sight and long-range weapons. Such a combination will avoid the need for long-term pursuit of the animal to reduce the distance for a shot. In addition, the hunter cannot cope with the task without thermal imaging binoculars. It will help to find a carefully moving fox even among thick vegetation.
One of the most common herbivores is a hare. It populates almost every corner of our planet, where there is food and suitable conditions for propagation. In this regard, hares hunting is popular daily and night entertainment. These animals are more careful in the dark than in the sun's light. Their already good hearing is even more aggravated, allowing hares to hear any noise in hundreds of meters around them. Because of this feature, you cannot even dream about trying to get close to the goal.
Nevertheless, in the dark, hares are more calm. They are engaged in eating juicy grass and become more vulnerable. Skillful hunters use this, shooting prey from medium and distant distances. And hares dash. Therefore, the hunter will have only one chance to get into the target. If this does not happen, then the sound of the shot will frighten the animal, and it will quickly hide in its hole or any alternative shelter.
For a night hunt for a hare, expensive large-caliber rifles are not needed. Thanks to this, this type of activity is famous all over the world. To search for animals, you can use any affordable night optics. The priority option is thermal imaging equipment that detects a minor in size, hare, or even high grass. It is also better to use the one that will make it possible to see the thermal image of the area.
An unusual but worthy of respect, a raccoon can become an enemy. This small mammal behaves quite predictably, so hunters' chances of getting a trophy will always be high. At the same time, raccoons are the most careful animals. They know how to remain unnoticed and engage in everyday business. These small predators cannot boast of a hypersensitive smell or good hearing. Because of this, you can get close enough to them. Most often, hunters use attractive sounds made on their own or played on a mobile phone.
It would be best if you looked for raccoons near small reservoirs. There, they get food for themselves and stay close to the place rich in nutrition. To detect these predators, it is enough to use any night optics. Even with a minimum of light, the raccoon will be well noticeable (due to its color). You can use different types of small caliber rifles and corresponding ammunition for firing. The presence of night vision glasses will be manageable. They will make it possible to regularly look around and detect in advance the reservoir, where raccoons live, dangerous predators.
Beginners and professional hunters should at least once in a lifetime experience all the charms and difficulties of night hunting. This exciting lesson requires each participant to maximize concentration, attentiveness, and accuracy of all actions. All this, in combination with high-quality night optics, will make it possible to find potential prey quickly, approach it at the distance of a shot, and get a trophy. Despite the apparent simplicity, night hunting is considered a rather complicated occupation. It enables hunters to show their skills and, ultimately, achieve their goals. Having done this, you will never forget your pleasant sensations, and be sure to want to test them again.