Bernie Sanders The Latest To Join The Charge For Your Guns

Socialist Bernie Sanders Wants To Ban All Self-Defense Firearms

bernie sanders banning self defense firearms


Via Bob Owens @ Bearing Arms

Wild-eyed Democrat presidential candidate Bernie Sanders has confounded many on the left with his views on firearms. While the Vermont Socialist has espoused radical leftist views on most issues, he’s traditionally espoused a more libertarian view of firearms ownership… until now:

Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders called for making existing gun laws “stronger” and “more enforceable” in the wake of last week’s bloody shooting at a Lafayette, LA, multiplex screening of Trainwreck. Speaking from New Orleans on NBC’s Meet The Press, Sanders told moderator Chuck Todd that “guns used to kill people exclusively, not for hunting, should not be sold in the United States of America.”

With that simple and intentionally loaded statement, Sanders declared the he would ban nearly all handguns, the majority of the most popular rifles, and many common shotguns as well.

Well it has been a long time coming but Bernie Sanders has finally made the jump to absurd gun control, for a presidential candidate to butcher the meaning of the Second Amendment like this is not only discomforting it should be seen as an early indicator of what’s to come from Bernie. The Second Amendment has nothing to do with putting food on the table but rather is all about self-defense, self-defense from the tyrannical rule which we fled from to begin with. It is time for the action of these deranged killers to be unassociated with the gun control debate, these actions do not belong in this conversation because no amount of gun control will keep guns out of the hands of these criminals.

The unfortunate truth is that we have to face with these shootings is that we are in a time in our society that people can more easily and more quickly obtain a gun through illegal channels than legal ones. These politicians know this better than anyone and so when we see ploys being made like this we know it is nothing more than an effort to win votes not make or keep America any safer than it is today. The fact of the matter is that if you took all the guns in this country away from its law-abiding citizens that would do nothing more than make it open season for the criminals because they’re not turning their guns in EVER.

Rick Perry, meanwhile, took the opposite tack, suggesting on CNN that moviegoers should be allowed to arm themselves. Asked by State of the Unionhost Jake Tapper if he thought moviegoers should be allowed to carry guns, Perry replied, “If we believe in the Second Amendment and we believe in people’s right to protect themselves and defend themselves and their families.”

Perry, the former Texas governor now seeking the Republican nomination for president, called the notion of gun-free zones “a bad idea.”

Do your research and be sure that you know who really supports you and your rights before the upcoming election. Following these last very difficult years with Obama in the Whitehouse we as a country have a lot of repairs to make and candidates like this only stand to do more damage to our already struggling country.



Author: Annie Stonebreaker

Annie is attending North Idaho College for a degree in journalism and is enjoying writing about everything guns for Defend and Carry. She finds our right to bear arms imperative and can get quite spicy on the topic. In her spare time she loves reading, playing outdoors, any water activities, eating sweet treats, eating in general, playing music or spending time with her Fiance, and being surrounded by good friends, conversation and laughter.

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  • Imjingo

    Bernie is a socialist and socialism won’t work if the people are armed. Make no mistake about it hunting guns are on his agenda as well.