Comments on: Defensive Gun Use: Man in 60’s Sick Of Getting Robbed, Shoots Intruder // News and Culture For The Concealed Carrier Thu, 10 Mar 2016 08:26:03 +0000 hourly 1 By: Master Moto // Wed, 12 Aug 2015 10:08:00 +0000 // I would like to see the grouping. He probably had to shoot more than once. If only once, I hope it was in the head. It would have been the first time the perp’s brains had gotten any fresh oxygen.

By: Russ Bunyard // Tue, 11 Aug 2015 04:22:00 +0000 // I love this article and I stand behind this man in his 60’s. What comes to mind are the soldiers coming home today in their 20’s and 30’s. I am pushing 40 with a family and I am from a younger generation than this patriot, yet I share in the solidarity with fellow veterans in defending our property. I honestly pray that veterans today will be tactical yet sensible in defending their property….my plan is to challenge an intruder before any action. I served in the Army Airborne before getting out and going USAF. In the Army I learned to challenge with authority (depending on the mission) first. Engage the enemy with the mindset of both parties surviving, yet being of a mindset that it might end up with shots fired. This tactical mindset back home in the US is challenging. I live in a state where deadly force is authorized by a homeowner, with no questions asked, if an intruder is even present on his/her property. Obviously common sense dictates. Crime is almost non-existent. The crime rate in many other states is incredible. In these states our hands are tied. I hope and pray that our veterans coming home will exercise some refrain in their actions, yet give hell if it comes down to protecting family. When I got out of the service in my late 20’s I was ready to pick a fight with an invading grasshopper. I am wiser now. I have many friends in law enforcement. I also know the attitude of returning veterans….I work at a veteran service center to help them with the VA. PTSD is prevalent in all veterans and I know that I suffer from it. When we return home life is a 180, and when our families are threatened we go nuts. I pray that this nation will continue to provide liberties of returning veterans. We do need to reach out to them…..our friends and families…even neighbors. Many recent vets have been through hell and return to a country hooked on keeping up the Kardishans and Reality TV. Our patriots coming home have take enemy fire, experienced IED’s, worked flightlines in 130 degree weather in country and on aircraft carriers. Reach out to our patriot men and women. Let them know that we make a difference. Our law enforcement men and women also make a giant difference. Their fight is on our own turf. They wear a target called a badge. Pray for their safety as well. Pray that they will fight for our veterans and understand our mentality. Sorry for the long post. Good job Annie! :)
