Employees Offered Extra Cash Each Month If They Carry A Concealed Firearm To Work

Bring A Concealed Weapon To Work, Get a Bonus



Republished with permission from our friends at ConcealedNation.org


DAVENPORT, IOWA — An attorney who supports the 2nd Amendment and concealed carry wanted to come up with a way to encourage people to carry. His idea; offer his employees an extra $50 a month in their check if they carry on the job.

Eric Puryear, owner of Puryear law, is the genius behind the idea.

“It’s every person’s choice,” said Puryear. “If someone doesn’t want to own a gun, I’m not going to try to make them. If someone does want to own a gun, I think that’s their constitutional right as well and I encourage that.”


“I think that responsible and safe gun ownership is just a good thing for each individual,” he said. “It’s a good thing for society and if I can encourage it I think it’s kind of my duty to do that.”

Long story short, I don’t think his law firm is going to be encountering any robberies in the near future. Good for him for thinking of creative ways to encourage safety.

Puryear is also a certified NRA instructor and teaches safety courses so that people can obtain their permits.

They even have targets hanging up in the office. I love this place.

Author: Rob

Rob was born and raised in beautiful upstate NY where he earned his Bachelors Degree in History, and later his Masters Degree in Digital Marketing. In 2013 he fled the police-state like conditions of NY for the friendlier and more free State of Idaho. Rob was the original Mastermind behind Defend & Carry, and later passed the reins on to Stephen. Rob continues to contribute to the D&C brand as the host of the official Defend and Carry Podcast, through creative input, as well as occasional blogger and gear reviewer.

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