Gun Free Zone Fail: Civilian and Off Duty Cops Take Armed Man Down

Civilian, off-duty cops take down armed man at state fair

gun free zone


The suspect 19 year old Otto Reed got into an altercation at the Oklahoma State Fair which is a gun free zone, as the altercation progressed into a fight the crowd began to chant “FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT” and then someone yelled “He’s got a Gun” and the crowd began to panic. Then before shots were fired a quick thinking civilian wrestled Reed to the ground and was joined by two off duty police officers who disarmed the man.

cloak tuck 3.0So this is the pattern that repeats itself over and over again, criminal enters gun free zone with a gun and the only resistance there to do anything about the man are civilians and in this case off duty police. Signs do nothing to stop criminals with guns from entering any type of establishment. So in order to enact any type of change we need to do away with these gun free zones in order to enable armed citizens to protect themselves and other innocent people around them.

At 19 Reed was not even old enough to legally posses the revolver he was carrying and this is not something that we hear about on rare occasion, teenagers with illegal is something that you can easily find a story on any day of the week. We need to get to the root of the matter, its a heart problem, a behavior problem, not a gun problem.



A fight between two men at the Oklahoma State Fair quickly escalated when one of the men pulled out a gun, but thanks to the actions of three men – who are now being called heroic – the situation was contained without any serious injuries.

Nikki Schalla was waiting for her kids, who were on a ride at the time, when she witnessed part of the incident, which she recalled during a video chat with local media Wednesday. Schalla said there were at least 100 people in the area when the altercation occurred, a mob formed as the two men tussled, and people began yelling, “Fight! Fight! Fight!” Suddenly those standing nearby – including Schalla – began to panic when someone also screamed, “He’s got a gun!”

But before any shots were ever fired, a quick-thinking civilian wrestled the suspect to the ground, then two off-duty Del City police officers, who happened to be in the right place at the right time, stepped in to help and kept the suspect detained until Oklahoma City police officers arrived on the scene.

Otto Reed

Though a bit blurry, Schalla captured several photos of the tense moments, including one showing the three men subduing the suspect, 19-year-old Otto Reed, who was allegedly armed with a revolver. The name of the civilian who intervened is not known at this time, but the two officers were later identified as Nathan Storts and Chauncey Ward.

“We’re very thankful that those officers were there because we don’t know what could have happened. If this guy was going to fire this gun at somebody, kill somebody, we don’t even know why he pulled it,” said Capt. Paco Balderrma with the Oklahoma City Police Department.

Reed was arrested and charged for unlawfully carrying a firearm, the second weapon confiscated at the fair so far this year. Oklahoma State Fair policy prohibits weapons of any type, even with a valid concealed carry permit.

It is unknown what triggered the fight between the two men.

Author: Stephen Halverson

I am a happily married father of 6 with one last one on the way. I am a passionate supporter of The Second Amendment and The Bill Of Rights as a whole. I believe in supporting the rights of myself and of others whether I agree with those individuals or not.

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  • HiCarry

    Cops, on or off-duty are civillians….please stop trying to infer otherwise