New Jersey On Course To Lead This Hero To The Grave

Veteran and counter intelligence agency member fights terrorism for America, but isn’t allowed his constitutional right to protect himself and his family


It is not every day that you get contacted by a man like Michael Tumminelli; a combat veteran, Department of Defense employee, and credentials and qualifications that would take pages to write about.

What is most shocking is the fact that the State of New Jersey, despite “legitimate and credible” threats to his life and family, still denies him a basic human right to self defense.

We have heard story after story about New Jersey residents being denied their human and civil right to self defense under the basis that they do not satisfy “justifiable need.

Michael is a civilian employee of the department of defense and is assigned to counterterrorism task forces that target ISIL and other terrorist groups, and he also trains agencies in the event of an attack. Classified information about him and others in the government is known to have been leaked from the government office of personnel management.

However, after applying for the ability to take his 45. caliber handgun outside his house to protect himself, his wife, and his three year old boy, New Jersey has said that he doesn’t have justifiable need or “specific threats or previous attacks demonstrating a special danger to applicant’s life that cannot be avoided by other means.”

The Islamic State has recently instructed Muslims to target and murder U.S. Military in their homes, and there have been multiple incidents where military family members have been confronted by Middle-Eastern males in front of their homes and these men have tried to get personal information from them using intimidation.

Michael asked in a simple question, “Where’s my protection for the services I give this country, where’s my family’s protection?”

Is he or his family going to be the next Carol Browne? She had a violent ex-boyfriend that she knew would kill her given the chance, so she applied for a firearm permit but was left defenseless and then stabbed to death because New Jersey delayed her application. Her restraining order and video security system did nothing but capture the entire horrific moment as she was killed. She was murdered because she was denied her constitutional right.

This needs to be addressed, New Jersey is willing to let it’s citizens be killed and victimized because of lies and politics. The issue is that many politicians in New Jersey and elsewhere believe that guns are the killers. Guns don’t kill, people kill. Like we see every day, armed citizens save lives every day and prevent violence with guns.

It’s sick that someone who is working to protect our lives from terrorists is denied the right in his own country to protect himself and his family. We should not allow this injustice, something needs to give. The New Jersey Second Amendment Society has stepped up to get Michael’s information out there to get things rolling for him for him and he sent this letter to them.

I wanted to take a moment to say thank you and the NJ2AS for your enduring support for myself and my family. This has been a daunting endeavor for us, but it is reassuring that there is an organization that is willing to step into the fray to assist a New Jersey family trying to earn their right for self protection. In these times of peril, national threats and other security issues the need for the choice of how and when to protect our families is now the priority. Again, without NJ2AS we would not be able to stand as tall as we are.

From my family to those of NJ2AS, Thank you!
The Tumminelli Family”

Stay informed, and continue to fight for yours and others’ right to defend and carry.

Author: Annie Stonebreaker

Annie is attending North Idaho College for a degree in journalism and is enjoying writing about everything guns for Defend and Carry. She finds our right to bear arms imperative and can get quite spicy on the topic. In her spare time she loves reading, playing outdoors, any water activities, eating sweet treats, eating in general, playing music or spending time with her Fiance, and being surrounded by good friends, conversation and laughter.

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