Comments on: Proposed Enhanced Concealed Carry Permit Would Come With A Badge; Allow Unrestricted Concealed Carry // News and Culture For The Concealed Carrier Thu, 10 Mar 2016 08:26:03 +0000 hourly 1 By: Kenneth Zapen // Sat, 29 Aug 2015 15:09:00 +0000 // “Also, as the law stands now, a concealed carry permit holder who brings a concealed gun into a building with posted signs prohibiting concealed weapons could lose his permit. This law would eliminate that scenario.”

Citation needed

By: TS Atomic // Mon, 20 Apr 2015 17:25:00 +0000 // If it is private property (privately owned business, home, land, etc) then I don’t think the state or the Fed should have any say so in whether I allow folks to carry open or concealed on my private property. I should be able to make the rules on my private property. If I say it’s ok, then you are fine. If I say no, then you leave or get charged with trespass after warning. And I should be able to pick and choose who I allow to carry.

If it is public property, then state or federal law dictates. I do believe that the 2nd Amendment already addresses govt infringement and as such no state or federal law is needed. But we allowed the Govt to start dictating our gun rights extra-constitutionally at least as early as the GCA. Shame on us. As long as the GCA/NFA stand, then the Fed and the States will enjoy a fairly broad spectrum, (right up to and just a hair shy of an outright ban), of ways to mess with our 2nd Amendment rights.

Not a damn thing you or me can do about it.

And as for the NRA? They enjoy making that money. They have as much interest in ending all gun control as Jesse and Al have in eliminating all racism. They don’t want it all to end. Ask them about work on repealing GCA/NFA and see how quickly you get horse-laughed as a nut. They are making too much money off of keeping us rubes on the hook while they “make it look good”… So shut up, quit your bitching and pony up those donations and membership fees.

By: AK // Mon, 20 Apr 2015 15:35:00 +0000 // I agree on your counts of “the left us[ing] training as an obstacle to free exercise of our rights…” It is why I’m generally opposed to this piece of legislation, and also why I ended my comment pointing out that the bill is still an affront to the 2nd Amend.

I will always advocate for further training, regardless of your profession. It is true, that training doesn’t guarantee your safety (or the safety of those around you), but neither does having a gun. Both simply (substantially) increase your odds of successfully surviving a life-threatening scenario that calls for such action.

As for business owners and what level of responsibility they have to their patrons, I’m opposed to the arbitrary, invasive, and often erroneous laws forced upon business owners under the pretext of “building codes,” “fire codes,” and “health codes.” The business owner’s responsibility to the patron only goes so far as to supply satisfactory service and completion of whatever transaction they are transpiring. If something happens to the patron outside the context of this transaction, even if it is within the property of the owner, then I don’t see where the owner is at fault (unless it is a result of negligence on the part of the proprietor). A business owner has no more responsibility to supply adequate security for their patrons than the police do for the individual citizen (hence why case law concerning this matter is sparse, at best). At the end of the day, the only person responsible for your safety is you. Anyone who seeks to off-set their inadequacies in this regard (often at the fault of ignorance and naiviete) by shifting the blame to someone else is someone who is wholly irresponsible. Leaving us to wonder how natural selection failed in this regard.

But a discussion of small business regulations is adversely outside the scope of this article, so I apologize for the deviation.

By: Talking_Monkey // Mon, 20 Apr 2015 13:10:00 +0000 // “Although this permit is far more than just carrying a gun, what responsibility will one have if they do have this permit and witness a crime? Will they be expected to act?”

Why would you ask this? Multiple courts have ruled that sworn officers have no duty to protect an individual, why would this be an expectation of someone with an enhanced license?


By: N.C. Senate gun bil wouldl allow unrestricted concealed carry...... // Mon, 20 Apr 2015 06:04:09 +0000 // […] Proposed Enhanced Concealed Carry Permit Would Come With A Badge; Allow Unrestricted Concealed Carry… Reply With […]

By: Douglas Winston // Mon, 20 Apr 2015 01:46:00 +0000 // I have an issue in that, while I agree more training is better, the left uses training as an obstacle to free exercise of our rights, just as they used the bogeyman of “urban crime” to disarm the poor under GCA’68’s ban on cheap imported pistols – the so-called “Saturday night specials” (with full support of Colt, Smith and Wesson and other domestic manufacturers). Consider Illinois’ current CCW law: 16 hours classroom (the longest in the country) as well as $150 initial and $150 renewal fees (the highest in the country). Funny that the Democrats – the self-appointed “party of the poor and working class” – insisted on establishing time constraints that would be onerous for most that hold regular jobs, and fees that would exclude those on assistance or fixed incomes.
While the antis are more than eager to use a debunked study claim a gun in your house makes you 87 times more likely to kill a family member, they can offer no independently verifiable proof that states with more training to obtain a CCW permit are any safer than states with less or even no training. I’m certain that if Illinois could have found such data, they would have presented it in their fight against CCW in arguing Moore v Madigan, but they did not, because they could not.
As for posting, I agree that a property owner should be able to post if he or she wishes. That said, given that there are a myriad number of other public safety concerns that any business owner cannot avoid (building codes, fire codes, health codes) when they are open for public business, the should be held liable – even if only sharing the blame with the criminal themselves – if they require law abiding citizens to be disarmed in their place of business, fail to provide active security measures and injury or death occurs as a result of their being unable to provide for their own defense.

By: Douglas Winston // Mon, 20 Apr 2015 01:35:00 +0000 // It’s not “be weary of it” unless it makes you tired. I believe you intended to say “be wary” 😉

By: whytoldbear // Sun, 19 Apr 2015 19:25:00 +0000 // As if the police are REQUIRED to respond to crime!

By: Lee MacDonald // Sun, 19 Apr 2015 13:46:00 +0000 // Are all of you proponents of this BS CRAZY? IT’S ALL ABOUT MONEY NOT YOUR RIGHTS! Get out of the leftie minion mindset. We’re Americans NOT followers!

By: Lee MacDonald // Sun, 19 Apr 2015 13:41:00 +0000 // WHAT? A LAW “ALLOWING”? LOL READ OUR CONSTITUTION! We don’t need no stinkin’ laws. Americans follow the law of God! It’s all spelled out in our Constitution. Read it!
