Supreme Court Denies Hearing Case on Post Office Prohibiting Guns

Does our Supreme Court still hold value for the 2nd Amendment?

supreme court

Recently the Supreme Court denied to hear an appeal from the 10th circuit of Bonidy v. United States Postal Service.


The case is one in which Tab Bonidy, a Colorado citizen with a concealed carry permit sued the Post Office for infinging the Second Amendment by declaring it a crime for him to carry on Post Office property, including Post Office parking lots. From

WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court won’t hear a dispute over a U.S. Postal Service regulation that bans guns from post office property and adjacent parking lots.

 It is easy to under stand why Second Amendment supporters on the Court would not want to hear this case at this time.  Antonin Scalia is dead.  There are now only 3 justices on the Court who can reasonably be counted on to uphold the Second Amendment.  They do not want to hear a Second Amendment case that could be used to gut the Amendment.

We do not know who voted to hear the case or not.  But I am not surprised that the Court decided not to hear this case.

To me it’s sad that this even has to go to Supreme courts. Our constitution is just so clear on this.

To make a place like this “gun-free” is to basically say to all the criminals and crazies, “Need to place to unload? We guarantee you that many law-abiding citizens will be defenseless, easy targets in this area!”

cloak tuck 3.0“Shall not be infringed” is as clear as it’s going to get. We all have the constitutional right to protect ourselves in public, and yet places like this deny us of that. They should be challenged in court!

How much damage is a law-abiding citizen causing by carrying a means of protection with him at all times? Who is that hurting? The question should be, who is that not helping?

Author: Annie Stonebreaker

Annie is attending North Idaho College for a degree in journalism and is enjoying writing about everything guns for Defend and Carry. She finds our right to bear arms imperative and can get quite spicy on the topic. In her spare time she loves reading, playing outdoors, any water activities, eating sweet treats, eating in general, playing music or spending time with her Fiance, and being surrounded by good friends, conversation and laughter.

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