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What to consider when buying night vision goggles

Aug 17, 2023 | 10:09 pm 318 0
What to consider when buying night vision goggles

Only some animals are capable of seeing anything in the dark. People are not endowed with this ability, so they must find ways out of the situation. In this case, the correct solution would be to use NV goggles. These devices will become indispensable assistants in performing various tasks. Many criteria must be considered to select the optimal optic from hundreds of available options. All of them will help sort the proposed optics, highlighting the most worthy model from the total mass.

What are NV goggles, and what are they for?

Glasses that support NV technology became available to ordinary people a few years ago. They immediately became in demand, and representatives of various professions dreamed of acquiring them. Such popularity is explained by the many advantages distinguishing NV goggles from other night optics. The main positive point, many users call the external resemblance to standard glasses used in the presence of visual defects. This allows you to fix the technique on the head, thereby allowing the hands to do other work. Also, the positive aspects include ease of setup, efficiency, and high image clarity.

NV goggles have the same principle of operation as other night optics. They collect light radiation, convert and amplify it, and then display an image adapted to the human eye. Almost always, the picture is clear and detailed, even when the optics work in places with a minimum amount of available lighting.

The scope of NV goggles was initially quite broad. Every year, new ways of using this device are invented, so it becomes genuinely in demand almost everywhere. Most often, such optics are used by soldiers and law enforcement officials. With their help, they conduct night operations to neutralize enemies or capture criminals. Civilians use NV goggles while working on construction and industrial sites, when protecting various territories, and also take them hunting and fishing.

Features of choice NV goggles

NV goggles are a relatively young invention, which is why many users have not yet learned how to choose them correctly. To eliminate this shortcoming, it is enough for people to use the essential criteria and a few additional recommendations. This approach will increase the chance of finding a suitable model toe with the tasks.

Basic criteria

You must consider six main criteria for sorting available models when buying NV goggles. They have the most significant impact on the efficiency of devices, so they should be noticed.

Primary selection criteria for NV goggles:

  1. Appointment. At the initial stage, you must determine the purpose for which NV goggles are purchased. If the user needs to perform simple work, the best option will be models with standard features and functions. For tasks of medium complexity, you will need devices with improved performance and advanced functionality. If you need to cope with challenging work, buying top models with many primary and additional features is the only possible solution.
  2. Generation. Several generations of NV goggles are available to everyone. Gen I models will only help with the most straightforward job possible. These devices need more functionality and produce images of poor quality. NV goggles II generations are more versatile. They have many additional options, making them suitable for minimal/medium complexity tasks. Such optics are popular because of their excellent quality, low cost, and ease of operation. Because of this, it is available to everyone, regardless of wallet size and experience in managing such devices. NV goggles III generations are the best option for solving problems of high complexity. They have excellent performance and many additional options. There are also Gen III+ mods. Manufacturers often call them fourth-generation glasses, but this is just a good marketing ploy designed to attract the attention of buyers. These optics have slightly improved performance and several essential features that Gen III does not have. This makes it perfect for any job. In the future, it is still planned to create models of Gen IV, so the choice of available models for potential buyers will only increase.
  3. Principle of action. All NV goggles fall into two categories. The first of them includes devices in which an electron-optical converter takes part. This structural element gives a chance to carry out various manipulations with light, thereby strengthening it. Such optics will be ideal for tasks of minimal/medium complexity (for example, hunting, driving a car at night, long hiking trips, etc.). The second category includes digital NV goggles. They process light more efficiently, forming the most precise and detailed picture. Because of this feature, they should be bought for complex work (for example, searching for criminals in the dark, conducting rescue operations, intelligence activities, etc.).
  4. Permission. The most important indicator of any night optics is resolution. Its value indicates the ability of NV goggles to form an image of a certain quality. When choosing devices, you should prefer models with a solution above average. This will increase the likelihood of obtaining a clear and detailed picture. In addition, it should be noted that the answer directly affects the cost of NV goggles. The higher it is, the more the price will rise. Models with deficient performance should be bypassed, as they will be useless even in good lighting conditions.
  5. Field of view. This indicator is also among those you must pay attention to when buying NV goggles. The higher its value, the more territory can be covered with a glance. Models with maximum field of view are recommended for users who intend to use them to inspect large areas (for example, during hunting or reconnaissance operations). If NV goggles are required to view small spaces, then medium or low-performance devices will be enough.
  6. Degree of protection. NV goggles must be reliably protected from external influences to work well in various conditions. The most important indicator is the impact resistance of the case. It should not break when falling from a human height and withstand not too strong impacts on any surface. In addition, you will need protection from moisture and dust. To do this, the housing must be completely sealed. Another critical plus will be the ability of NV devices to withstand sudden temperature changes. The optics will become as reliable and durable as possible in the presence of all of the above.

Additional criteria

The selection process for NV goggles is more comprehensive than the essential criteria. Otherwise, you can miss some small but critical nuance, because of which the purchased device will work less efficiently than expected. Using a few additional criteria will help prevent this problem from occurring.

Additional selection criteria for NV goggles:

  1. Size. Manufacturers produce NV goggles in a variety of sizes. This allows you to choose the device for the size of the head of a particular person. Wearing such optics will become an unpleasant experience and create severe discomfort if this is not done. Ideally, NV goggles should be tried on before purchase. However, parameters such as head circumference and distance between the eyes must be specified if the devices are ordered via the Internet.
  2. Weight. While using NV goggles, they will always be on the person's head. Because of this, they must have a minimum weight. So the optics will not create discomfort and will be a good option for long-term wear. It should be remembered that weight reduction often reduces the strength of the structure. Because of this, it is essential to correlate these parameters and choose between the available options.
  3. Autonomy. Experts call the main problem of any compact optics a short period of offline operation. NV goggles are no exception to this rule. Many of the models produced are supplemented with small batteries, so they can work without recharging for only 2-3 hours. However, there are exceptions. These include devices that use battery power as economically as possible, extending the battery life. It is these models that should be bought in most cases.
  4. IR amplifier. This add-on will always stay in style, so choose NV goggles with an IR amplifier. It significantly improves the quality of the displayed image and allows you to see fine details even when the device is operated in low-light conditions. The lack of such an addition should not be a reason not to buy NV goggles if used in areas with sufficient natural or artificial light.
  5. Price. Manufacturers of NV goggles strive to make their products accessible to people of all financial abilities. Because of this, they annually release models belonging to different price categories. Buying the cheapest optics to perform the most straightforward work is recommended. It will also be a good option for very infrequent use of NV goggles. Models belonging to the middle price category will become indispensable for solving most problems. With their help, you can do any work, hunt, or make hiking trips. The most expensive NV goggles should be chosen when they will be used for demanding tasks. The latter include rescue operations, protection of law and order, and various security measures. It is also worth remembering that overpaying for unnecessary features and characteristics is wrong. Because of this, you need to measure your needs with the number of significant bills in your wallet.
  6. Manufacturer. Dozens of companies are engaged in the production of NV goggles. Each seeks to get the maximum number of buyers and increase their profits. To do this, they produce devices that consider the target audience's needs. This approach of most manufacturers makes their choice far from being the main criterion. At the same time, experts still recommend giving preference to products of well-known brands. They value their reputation and try to offer consumers only high-quality goods. In addition, they more quickly resolve situations in which NV goggles warranty service is required. Another advantage of well-known manufacturers is the availability of a high-quality support service that can answer any buyer's questions.

NV goggles are an applicable invention that opens up new possibilities for people. They are fixed on the head and do not interfere with manual work of any complexity. On sale, you can find a vast number of models. To identify their best option, you need to study many small nuances and know the essential criteria. By correctly disposing of this information, you can purchase a suitable model to help you successfully cope with any tasks.

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