Martin O’Malley Vows to Take On Gun Manufacturers

Annie Stonebreaker - September 15, 2015

martin omalley taking on gun manufacturers

Presidential candidate vows to take on gun manufacturers

martin omalley taking on gun manufacturers



In an attempt to end “the epidemic and sickness of gun violence in the United States,” Democratic presidential candidate Martin O’Malley on Monday said he would take on a longstanding law protecting gun manufacturers and retailers from liability in crimes committed using their products.

The former governor of Maryland vowed to cut the number of annual gun deaths in the country by half – which by some estimates amount to roughly 30,000 – by repealing the 2005 Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act, The Guardian reported.

2 holster comboThis all to familiar stance on the part of the gun control advocates never changes, guns do not kill people and that is the fact that makes all gun control fail. What we need to curb gun violence in this country is gun laws that actually affect criminals in a lasting way. The people who are committing gun crimes are typically career criminals and more jail time or mandatory minimum sentences are not going to deter them from committing gun crimes.

This I am glad to say will be one more failed attempt at curbing gun violence in an area that will not effect any sort of lasting change. It is time for America to be honest about gun violence or there will never be any hope of change. This particular approach I liken to going after automobile manufacturers and allowing them to be sued over drunk driving deaths.