Armed Intruder vs 71 Year Old Man

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Armed Homeowner Fatally Shoots Intruder

By Glenn McEntyre – WBNS

COLUMBUS, Ohio – One person dead after a 71-year-old man says he was forced to defend himself in his home.


The shooting happened just after noon Friday on Faymeadow Avenue in North Columbus. The homeowner says a stranger kicked in his door, but didn’t get any farther than that.


A body lay under a white sheet, the result of a deadly confrontation in the doorway of a Faymeadow Avenue home. The homeowner called 911, tells an operator, “Some guy broke into my house, and I shot him.”


Neighbors say the homeowner is a 71-year-old retiree who lives there alone.


“He’s a nice guy, you know? He’s laid back, quiet,” said Chris Grant.


When police arrived, they found the suspect dead on the porch. They say the door had visible evidence of someone forcing their way in. They say the homeowner stopped him with a single shot.


“Somebody kicks in your door and they’re coming in your house, you don’t have to wait for them to come in your house,” said Columbus Police Sergeant Rich Weiner. “There’s a big difference if somebody’s outside and they’re 20, 30, 40 feet away and they’re not inside your residence- different story. But somebody is kicking in your door and they’re coming in, most people might consider that to be a threat and they can take action.”


No doubt a traumatizing experience for the elderly gentleman who had his home invaded. However, he was fortunate to have prepared himself by owning a firearm for home defense. Had he not had that firearm available to him, he may have been the one with a white sheet over his body.

Columbus Police Sergean Rich Weiner said all the right things after the shooting. If someone is kicking in your door and they are coming, you do not have to wait for them to get inside before taking action. If you consider your life to be threatened and in danger, you have every right to defend yourself.

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Author: Rob

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