Good Guy With A Gun Stops Knife Wielding Drunk At Restaurant

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CHL Holder Prevents Stabbing At Restaurant

The owners of Deb’s Filling Station Café in Okmulgee, Okla said it was a very tense morning. During breakfast on Tuesday a man stumbled into the diner clearly drunk after a night of drinking. Being a drunken fool it wasn’t long before Andrew Harjo, 26, began acting the part.

Thinking people in the diner were staring and talking about him, Andrew started to become angry and belligerent. That is when restaurant owner Debra Sanders said “I saw the man with the gun and he said he had a license and ‘will use it if I have to.’”

Unfortunately, this good guy with a gun did have to step in and use his weapon. As Harjo continued to be agitated, he finally reached in his pocket for his knife to do harm to the patrons he felt were staring at him. That is when the gun owner stepped in and stopped Harjo from assailing his would-be victims.

The police were called and Harjo was arrested. The name of our good guy with a gun has been withheld, but Sanders said “He was very apologetic to us that he even had to do that. We’re like, ‘are you kidding? Thank you for doing that.’”

Here is yet another example of a responsible concealed carrier stopping a crime before it could happen, and potentially saving the lives of complete strangers.


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Author: Rob

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