Hate Crime Already Being Ignored By Mainstream Media

Shootings like this put massive holes in the mainstream media and politicians’ agenda


Via John Nolte at Breitbart

The Daily Telegraph has learned that “police reportedly confiscated a gay pride flag” from the apartment of Vester Lee Flanagan Wednesday. In an apparent hate crime, Flanagan is the 41 year-old black journalist who murdered two white Virginia reporters on live television Wednesday morning before turning his gun on himself.

In a manifesto faxed to ABC News,  Flanagan, an Obama-supporter, claimed that his motive involved a “race war.” Flanagan was black and gay and apparently angered by the fact that he had been a victim of racism and homophobia at the hands of “black men and white women.”

Both of Flanagan’s intended victims were straight.

A lot has been discovered on Flanagan’s true nature within the past 24 hours. A 24 page suicide note titled “Final good bye for authorities” faxed to ABC news clearly states Flanagan’s motive and intent for the tragic murders committed on a live news broadcast.

  • He says he has been attacked by black men and white females
  • He talks about how he was attacked for being a gay, black man
  • He says has suffered racial discrimination, sexual harassment and bullying at work
  • A source with direct knowledge of his complaints against the station said a pair of tweets sent today and attributed to him accurately reflect previous complaints he lodged against the two people he killed today. These are the two Tweets: “Alison made racist comments,” and, “Adam went to hr on me after working with me one time!!!”

Flanagan said he purchased the gun used to shoot the reporter and camera-man two days after the Charleston shooting. “What sent me over the top was the church shooting… but my anger has been building steadily… I’ve been a human powder keg for a while… Just waiting to go BOOM!!!!” He also expresses admiration to the Virginia Tech mass killer and the Columbine shooters, saying they were his boys.

Now the facts are available to everyone, and should be objectively and professionally covered by all media, but of course our society has proven constantly that mainstream media is a string puppet to the agendas of politicians. They run content that only bolsters an agenda, and refuse to cover, or cover with bias, content that doesn’t fit that agenda.

Every person can look at the facts and then realize when they have or have not been twisted. Breitbart published an article after the shootings titled “Race Murder in Virginia: Black Reporter Suspected of Executing White Colleagues – On Live Television!” Is any of that information incorrect?

Flanagan admitted himself that a combination of “racial discrimination, sexual harassment and bullying at work” brought him to the crucial moment of the Charleston shooting which sent him over the top. He most definitely killed and chose his targets because of harbored anger about suspected racism and gay discrimination. He shot former colleagues Allison Parker and Adam Ward because they were white and straight. If that isn’t a race murder and hate crime I don’t know what is.

In the Charleston shootings, Dylann Roof shot 9 African Americans, and our own president and mainstream media started a massive race war in which they sought to stir up anger and divide the country with racism. Dylann Roof was found to be in possession and had pictures with confederate flags, and the flag was attacked and many sought to have it removed completely like has happened in South Carolina. The flag is not a symbolism of racism, upon research you can find that this is true, although many continue to abuse it and ignorantly use it as a symbolism of racism. If we are going to chose to remove the confederate flag because of offense there should be many other flags next in line like the gay pride flag or even the American flag. It is a slippery slope, but are ultimate goal should be to keep America free.

The irony and hypocrisy lies with the fact that the mainstream media and our president jumped on the Dylan roof shooting and the confederate flag with a severe agenda, but when a black man shoots white people and is found in possession of a rainbow gay pride flag, it is completely ignored.

They chose to ignore the factors in this shooting but push gun control instead. How incredibly idiotic. When Breitbart published the article calling this situation what it is, the mainstream media and politicians wasted no time in getting outraged over Breitbart’s “race-baiting” saying they were “sick, hateful, and twisted people” and “racist demagogues”. What a hilarious, shocking show of hypocrisy…

What can we take from this?

We don’t have a disease called guns, we have diseased people who become tools of hatred and malice.

We as a country need to acknowledge hate crimes, yet also realize that black people kill white people and vice versa all the time.We don’t need retaliation and battles on skin color, we need people to use their brains and work towards more educated, peaceful, and loving community. It’s never the gun’s fault, it’s the people motivated by murderous anger that are spoon fed by the media and used as tools in an agenda.

We don’t need any more division in our country from skin color, we know that starts a deadly whirlpool that ends in a broken country with lost freedoms.

cloak tuck 3.0Somehow this very sick man Vester Lee Flanagan learned to blame his issues on everyone else, he lived like a parasite on hatred and evil that ultimately led him to the worst act he could commit.

Many other news sources that called out Breitbart for making a bad situation worse were calling the kettle black, they had done the same thing in the Dylan Roof shooting. We don’t need any more race wars, gun laws or lies, we need a society that is aware of the real issue and is progressively looking for a solution that doesn’t restrict all of our freedoms. We don’t need to fight and build hatred over sexual orientation or skin color, we need to be better than that. We need a society with integrity, that can agree to peacefully disagree and also respect others as equals.

We need a society that acknowledges the facts and goes about a solution for the future in a logical way. Gun control has been proven to increase the victimization of innocents and lets criminals continue with their violence without being deterred.

Unfortunately we live in a society where criminals cannot be allowed to have a free reign or they will stop at nothing. If this story had become like so many others, and had been prevented by an observant armed citizen standing by, it would have been ignored. But what would have been a worse situation, a killer’s life being ended before he murdered innocents, or innocent people being killed? Gun control is not the solution.


Author: Annie Stonebreaker

Annie is attending North Idaho College for a degree in journalism and is enjoying writing about everything guns for Defend and Carry. She finds our right to bear arms imperative and can get quite spicy on the topic. In her spare time she loves reading, playing outdoors, any water activities, eating sweet treats, eating in general, playing music or spending time with her Fiance, and being surrounded by good friends, conversation and laughter.

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