European Countries See Citizens Flip-Flop and Buy Guns after Refugee Influx/Attacks

Guns/pepper spray/gas pistols sell out after refugees rape, assault and rob

Sometimes it takes crises and threats of violence to make people realize the importance of self-defense. Germany, Austria and France are seeing this directly as guns are being sold out and- if guns are prohibited- mace, gas guns and replicas.

Many Europeans figure that the governments who are allowing uncontrolled streams of migrants into their countries are unable to protect their citizens. So they are buying guns, pepper spray and taking self defense classes to protect themselves against the surge in sexual and other attacks committed by refugees.


Shotguns have ‘virtually sold out’ in Austria as citizens rush to buy arms amid fears of a massive influx of migrants, Daily Mail reported claims that gun dealers were making in late October 2015. At that time 900,000 firearms were privately owned  in a country of 8.5 million people with 70,000 of those being purchased in 2015. Many of the new gun owners are women scared of the increase in migrant sexual assaults.


Shotguns are a hot item because in Austria since a permit is not needed as it is for other types of weapons.


Shotguns and rifles were ‘virtually sold out’ in Austria as citizens continue to rush to buy arms amid fears of a massive influx of migrants, Daily Mail quoted one gun dealer.


Those who don’t want to wait to buy guns or are unable to head to shops that sell pepper spray. When the pepper spray can’t be found, scared purchasers go for replica handguns and gas pistols. Self defense classes are filled up for weeks if not months as students wait to have professional self defense training.


Thousands of migrants have filtered in through Hungary to Austria. This crisis level of rush of migrants into Europe has not been seen since WWII. Many of the migrants head into Germany where gun sales have spiked since New Years Eve when hundreds of sexual assaults–350 according to NBC, and another 350 assaults by migrants were reported.


The article also goes on to talk about illegal weapons and the investigation into how criminals/terrorists obtain them. This sentence was particularly intriguing. “Groups investigating how the terrorists obtained their illegal guns were surprised at how easy it was for criminals to find illegal weapons according to an article in Time Magazine.”

DUHH! This is exactly the problem with gun control! This is the problem that Chicago is plagued with right now. Laws are made, guns are banned, and yet- would you know it- those darn criminals don’t listen!

Well who would have thought that criminals won’t obey gun bans?! What a shocker…

So in the case of a country taking in migrants, a number of who turn out to be violent, non-compliant, and entitled, you’re telling me the criminals have the upper hand because the citizens are obeying the law?!

best-gun-beltsCologne, Germany for instance- basically a big robbing rape-fest happened and refugees got so out of hand even the police were helpless. And the people are prohibited from tools that would help defend themselves?!

God bless America and the Second Amendment for this very reason.

Our forefathers created the right to bear arms with a healthy dose of experience, knowledge and foresight. Coming from tyrannical countries and countries that prohibited freedom, the constitution was created to truly establish liberty for the individual.

The Second Amendment was designed to be the liberty-defender, literally. Designed to maintain the individual’s safety and freedom if ever necessary, even from the very government itself.

Take a look at what’s going on in other countries: take a look at places that enforced gun bans and look at how much the innocent suffer. Oppose gun control, educate those anti-gun, and always defend and carry.


Author: Annie Stonebreaker

Annie is attending North Idaho College for a degree in journalism and is enjoying writing about everything guns for Defend and Carry. She finds our right to bear arms imperative and can get quite spicy on the topic. In her spare time she loves reading, playing outdoors, any water activities, eating sweet treats, eating in general, playing music or spending time with her Fiance, and being surrounded by good friends, conversation and laughter.

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