Obama Using Hollywood To Take Your Freedom

Obama Addresses Gun Violence At Hollywood Fundraisers

president obama taking freedom from every american


Via Ted Johnson @ Variety

Hours after delivering a statement on the shooting massacre of nine people at an historic church in Charleston, S.C., President Obama and a group of entertainment industry donors had a lengthy discussion about the roots of gun violence in the first of two Hollywood-centric fundraisers in Los Angeles on Thursday, according to an attendee who was present.

About 30 people attended the event at the Pacific Palisades home of Chuck Lorre, executive producer of “Two and a Half Men.” Tickets for what was billed as an intimate discussion with the president sold for up to $33,400 each, with proceeds going to the Democratic National Committee.

This picture was taken on this fundraising trip, looking at the picture it is clear to see that this man has absolutely zero respect our country and our military which he is supposed to lead. One does not EVER salute in this manner and while the less informed less educated people out there that would like to ignore this type of behavior as an accident when you look at the action against the United States of America by this man the picture just echoes the actions. This man will at every step you allow him completely dismantle The Bill Of Rights one amendment at a time or even two for one if you let him.

So rather than go to South Carolina and be an actual face of support, our fearless leader once again shows his true colors and spouts off about an event that we all know fits his agenda so well it seems almost tailor made. To spew the untruths that he spewed to the American People about race, other countries, and about guns and then to fly off to attend not 1 but 2 fundraisers in the same day and using that platform to spread more untruth to a very trusting group of followers. This group of followers I am referring to is a very important group for you all to pay attention to, The Hollywood Elite, Obama has targeted this group a very good reason, reach. He (his advisers) knows that these people will blindly follow along with what he tells them and get behind the ‘facts’ that do not exist about guns not saving lives and about him truly having the ability to disarm criminals not just the law-abiding citizens that carry. The truth about defensive gun use is that even when you look at the numbers the liberals like to use to discount defensive gun use, the low 55,000-80,000 times per year that guns save lives outweighs the harm done by guns in ALL accountings, including murder, suicide and accidental shootings per year. So please America it is time to spread truth not more lies, spread this truth, middle estimates in this report show approximately 1 Million Defensive Gun Uses per year in the United States alone and that is what needs to be spread to The American People.




Author: Annie Stonebreaker

Annie is attending North Idaho College for a degree in journalism and is enjoying writing about everything guns for Defend and Carry. She finds our right to bear arms imperative and can get quite spicy on the topic. In her spare time she loves reading, playing outdoors, any water activities, eating sweet treats, eating in general, playing music or spending time with her Fiance, and being surrounded by good friends, conversation and laughter.

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