School Questioning Children About Guns in Their Home

School Asks Students for Number of Guns, Political Views Held by Family


Via Infowars

“[The Second Amendment] is a great conversation for kids to have in the classroom and definitely for journalism because it applies directly to our Constitution… but the questions that concern me are the ones that ask ‘how many firearms does your parents have at home?’ and ‘what political affiliations do your parents have?’” radio host and gun rights activist Michael Cargill said, who brought the survey to the public’s attention. “That’s private.”

This is a particularly alarming survey, anytime officials try to utilize your children to get ‘private’ information about you there is something afoot which should be raising your concern. When you look at the full version of the survey below I think the line of questioning gets even ‘further out of line’.

full survey

As Kit Daniels mentions in the Infowars article the last question could in some cases lead to an arrest in some cases. Ultimately this method of questioning is an obvious overstepping of bounds by this school district but these methods have become all to familiar in today’s world. The government will continue to try to gain gun ownership information using whatever tactics that it can to get to this private data.

The concept of ‘registration leads to confiscation’ has been repeated time and time again in history, as we look back on the various confiscations of weapons in recent history there are always evil plans tied to this process.

Author: Stephen Halverson

I am a happily married father of 6 with one last one on the way. I am a passionate supporter of The Second Amendment and The Bill Of Rights as a whole. I believe in supporting the rights of myself and of others whether I agree with those individuals or not.

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  • Terry

    Your story would be more believable if you mentioned the name of the school and if they had been questioned about the survey….

    • Sea Siren

      Exactly. The story doesn’t hold much credence without any support.

  • thechangeiwishtosee

    But where was this occurring?
    What school in what state?

  • Dave Mashek

    Or people could click on the link “Via Infowars” and read the entire article and you would see the following:

    “The gun survey given to journalism students at Hendrickson High School in Pflugerville, Texas, also asks students for their parents’ political views.”

    • texasmomma

      This wasn’t GIVEN to the students. The students created it! You are such a sh*t starter! People like you are exactly what’s wrong with our country right now. I feel so bad for the students. Because of people like you, they will be pushed back into the PC box and their creativity will be crushed.

      • Dave Mashek

        Hey dumbass, did you notice the QUOTES around that text? That means that it is a QUOTE that someone in the article said.

        • Jim Foster

          Yeah, because you can believe EVERYTHING you read on the internet.

  • texasmomma

    We live in the district this survey was sent..This is BLOWN WAYYY Out of proportion. If only the jerk who posted this (and I’ve got a pretty good idea who) would mention the facts! This is isn’t what it seems. This wasn’t intended to be intrusive…It was a group of kids in the school journalism class that came up on this on their own and they were going to do an article on it for the school newspaper. This arms dealer parent (that lives in our neighborhood) decided to put this up for attention. THIS WAS NOT MANDATORY nor was the school involved.

    • Clive

      Thank you for commenting. It’s too bad that your comment will be overlooked or attacked by the very people who need to see it.

    • ExcellentJim

      Texasmomma – You don’t know the facts yourself. MY children brought home this same list of questions from our school district. I don’t live in your school district, or your state. These questions come from the FEDERAL Government and are sent to the schools by the Department of Education! Students all over the country are being asked these same questions.

      • texasmomma

        Uh huh..Sure they did…..PROVE IT! Tell me the name of your school. I will happily call them to verify..

    • Conservative101

      Here is a article discussing how this was from the journalism class and was not mandatory. Not that I support things such as this, but it was done as a way to bring about a discussion. The survey does contain things that I think are not necessary to be asked to bring about a discussion on guns or rights in my opinion.


    • Kenny Blessing

      REGARDLESS, It is absolutely insane to be asked in school.
      How can you defend this crap & call yourself an American at the same time?

  • John Reese

    Otherwise known as the feds keeping a record of how many guns you own and who to do illegal raids on