Suppressors Made Legal in Minnesota

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Minnesota Senate approves gun-silencer measure despite Dayton’s veto threat


Via J. Patrick Coolican at StarTribune

The DFL-led Minnesota Senate approved a measure legalizing gun silencers Thursday night, risking a showdown with Gov. Mark Dayton who just hours before sent legislators a letter threatening to veto the provision.


The silencer issue, which passed 40-23 with bipartisan support, is one that threatens to further divide the Senate and the governor, who issued his first written veto threat of the session over the matter. Already, more than 35 states permit gun silencers and others are considering it


Gun rights advocates say silencers, also known as suppressors, reduce hearing problems related to loud gunfire and have unfairly gained a bad reputation from Hollywood movies that portray them as ideal tools for stealthy crimes.


Advocates say the devices do not silence but merely reduce gun noise by about 30 decibels; even the smallest firearms create noise of at least 140 decibels, according the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association

Many of us have been watching this carefully and hoping for another decisive victory for gun rights.

The wait is over; it looks like Mark Dayton’s threats at vetoing the use of suppressors were empty.

Minnesota can now proudly join over 35 other states who allow the use of suppressors.

Gun rights will keep gaining ground if gun owners in the U.S. continue educating the public about the different facets of gun ownership.

Even now people still think suppressors cause guns to sound like a balloon letting out air and are used solely to take out high value targets.

If you want to see a totally pro gun America take every opportunity to correct the falsities spread about guns and gun ownership.



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Author: Ibro

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