Would You Like A Side of Lead With That? Servers Come Armed in Rifle, Colorado

At Colo. restaurant, menu comes with armed waitresses

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Trevor Hughes, USA Today

RIFLE, Colo. — At Shooters Grill, you can decide whether your freshly made cherry pie comes with ice cream, but you have no choice on who delivers it: An armed waitress.

Our Take:

This could be one of the best stories I’ve ever read in my life. Let’s break down this Second Amendment awesomeness real quick. First off, this restaurant is located in a place called Rifle, Colorado. Rifle. That’s enough to trigger my appetite. Why have I not heard of this place, and why don’t I live there?

Shooters Grill’s slogan should read: “The Safest Restaurant in America”, because it’s true. All nine servers embrace the Bill of Rights to the fullest, working with guns slung around their waists and still “proudly clinging to to my guns and Bible,” according to the sign hanging from the restaurant’s wall. This town, just a ways west of Denver, appreciates carriers and owner Lauren Boebert is happy that they embraced business.

Even the dumbest criminals wouldn’t dare hold up a cafe where every server packs heat as they go from table to table. It’s common knowledge: thugs target gun free zones, not the polar opposite.

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Not only is Shooters Grill proudly displaying their support for our right to keep and bear arms; their food is notoriously delicious. They also are a part of a town that openly welcomes open and concealed carriers, so there’s no surprise that the restaurant has been given kudos by the many who dine there.

This may just be a little establishment in small-town America, but it represents so much more. Shooters Grill and the servers who open carry are proving to anti-gunners that carrying (even at work) is still extraordinarily safe and effective.


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I’m sure every worker and patron feels safer and more comfortable while in the restaurant. I know I would.Keep up the good work, Shooters Grill employees! You have the attention of the nation because of your patriotism.

Share your thoughts about this establishment in the comments below! Do you think there should be more restaurants like Shooters Grill or do you think it’s a little overboard? If you’re for the idea, what type of firearm would you be packing from table to table?

Author: David

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