Columbine Survivor Became State Rep and Is Pushing Law to Arm Teachers, Nix Gun-Free-Zones

“More of my friends would still be alive today,”


Imagine surviving a mass shooting, going to your friend’s funerals and being haunted about that fateful day constantly, only to realize the solution to preventing that from happening again is illegal.

Gun free zones, we are painfully aware of, are death zones. They encourage and lure cowards in with the promise of defenseless victims. The majority of schools are gun-free-zones, which should incite fear in many of us, especially parents, that our children become easy targets the second they arrive at school.

This man gets it, and he’s pushing for his state of Colorado to completely do away with gun-free-zoned schools and do the opposite- arm the teachers.

A Columbine survivor is pushing legislation that would allow guns in Colorado schools.


Colorado State Rep. Patrick Neville (R) says schools should fight gunfire with gunfire. He reintroduced legislation Tuesday that would allow teachers with concealed weapons permits to defend their students at gun point.


“The only thing that is going to stop murderers intent on doing harm is to give good people the legal authority to carry a gun to protect themselves and our children,” Neville said in a statement.
Neville, who graduated from Columbine High School, was in school on the day of the horrific shooting in 1999. “More of my friends would still be alive today,” if teachers were carrying guns, he said.


Neville’s legislation is unlikely to pass in the Democrat-controlled Colorado House. The same bill stalled last year.


“Parents wake up everyday and bring their children to school on blind faith that their kids will return home safe,” Neville said. “Unfortunately, the current system continues to leave our children as sitting targets for criminals intent on doing harm.”


Colorado state laws currently prohibit teachers from carrying concealed firearms in school.

Could we agree any more? What a powerful story this man has. The truth is, the longer we sit complacent about gun-cloak tuck 3.0free-zones and our children’s safety, every day that passes without incident is a miracle.

Fighting gun-free-zones is a literal fight for life and death, and no that’s not extreme. 92% of mass shootings since 2002 happened in gun-free-zones.



Author: Annie Stonebreaker

Annie is attending North Idaho College for a degree in journalism and is enjoying writing about everything guns for Defend and Carry. She finds our right to bear arms imperative and can get quite spicy on the topic. In her spare time she loves reading, playing outdoors, any water activities, eating sweet treats, eating in general, playing music or spending time with her Fiance, and being surrounded by good friends, conversation and laughter.

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