LA County Police On Gun Rights: Good For Me But Not For Thee

Police Want Exemptions from New Los Angeles Gun Restrictions



Los Angeles county recently passed more draconian gun laws, this time requiring residents to lock up their handguns or disable them with a trigger lock when they are not being used.

Despite the obvious neutering this does for home defense, the sheer silliness of this new law is mind numbing.

The rallying cry to get this bill passed was that it was “FOR THE CHILDREN!”

When it comes to guns grabbing these days it seems like everything comes back to “WHAT ABOUT THE CHILDREN?”

Well I think George Carlin explained it best when it came to the fetish worship of children and child safety.


Despite using children as a means to get this bill passed, the law allows exemptions for Police Officers and reserve Police Officers.

So either Police Officers don’t have children living in their homes, or the lives of the children of Police Officers don’t seem to matter.

Or wait, could there be another meaning to all this?

Could it mean that the ruling class of Los Angeles doesn’t trust its non-police citizens to manage their own firearms in their own homes?

But wait, it gets even better.

According to the LA Times, the Police want to extend the exemption to retired police officers.

The proposed rules would exempt active-duty and reserve officers, but the Los Angeles Police Protective League says retired officers should be excluded as well, warning of possible dangers to former officers and their families.


In a letter to city lawmakers, the union argued that current and former officers needed quick access to guns for protection, citing the 2013 armed rampage by former LAPD Officer Christopher Dorner as an example of police and their families being targeted. Retired officers have gone through extensive training on controlling their weapons, union officials said.


“To protect themselves and society … you have to give them the ability to respond quickly,” league Director Peter Repovich said.

Are you kidding me? Are you absolutely kidding?

They cite one incident in which retired police were targeted and use that as the reason they deserve exemption?

What about all the people everyday who are the targets of home invasion, burglary, drug related crime, and crimes of barbarity?

Don’t these people deserve the same ability to respond quickly to defend their lives? Or do their lives not matter as much?

Also, I thought this was about the children??

Don’t buy the hype folks, this is gun control at it’s finest. And remember, gun control isn’t even really about guns; its about People Control.

This is just another California law aimed to take control away from its citizens; and the police are all to happy to enforce it as long as it doesn’t include them.



Author: Rob

Rob was born and raised in beautiful upstate NY where he earned his Bachelors Degree in History, and later his Masters Degree in Digital Marketing. In 2013 he fled the police-state like conditions of NY for the friendlier and more free State of Idaho. Rob was the original Mastermind behind Defend & Carry, and later passed the reins on to Stephen. Rob continues to contribute to the D&C brand as the host of the official Defend and Carry Podcast, through creative input, as well as occasional blogger and gear reviewer.

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