NY Senator Encourages Those Anti-Gun To Join And “Take Over” NRA

Sen. Liz Krueger targets NRA, suggests gun control advocates make changes from inside


 Sen. Liz Krueger (D-Manhattan) thinks she is really onto something. Her new idea is for supporters of gun control to make changes within the NRA after joining and becoming a member according to New York Daily News.

The idea first came about during a meeting on gun violence issues, after someone suggested setting up a meeting with the NRA to come to a compromise on gun control laws. Thats when a lightbulb popped up over Krueger’s head.

“Perhaps if we all join, we could take over that group and start a new (gun control) platform,” Krueger (D-Manhattan) told the Daily News. “I think we outnumber the people who are members of the NRA and are so totally opposed to any kind of rational gun laws.”

Of course the idea is somewhat of a joke to those in the NRA. And what is a “rational gun law?”

Thomas King, president of the state Rifle and Pistol Association and an NRA board member, noted the NRA has more than five million members and scoffed at the suggestion there are enough “anti-gunners” to make an impact on the organization.

“I’m not sure where they’re going to get the people from, but it’s America: if they want to join the NRA, let them join. We’ll take their money,” King laughed.

Sen. Krueger made it clear that her being the only one to do it wouldn’t bring about the changes desired, it would have to be a movement on a “much broader level.” She then discussed Gov. Cuomo’s SAFE Act, and further agendas in gun control.

cloak tuck 3.0If anyone is even slightly aware of who the NRA is as a whole… this sounds like the worst plan to date. The NRA would love to have Krueger and her minions become members, they would finally get some actual education on the effects of gun control. The NRA is an unmoving pillar that represents a large chunk of society that will always support the Second Amendment and never back down.

I think what the media underreports and tries to sweep under the carpet is the fact that the majority of Americans don’t want more gun control. We all are against violence but to stop but gun control does absolutely nothing but exacerbate the problem. Guns aren’t the problem, criminals are.

Heres a few encouraging statistics that show the majority of Americans’ opinion on gun control, and just how it has been proved as a deadly decision to ban firearms.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that just 34% of Likely U.S. Voters believe laws regarding the ownership of guns should be the responsibility of the federal government.

More than 6 out of 10 Americans believe having a gun in the home makes it safer, according to a gallup pole.

A YouGov survey finds that a combined 52 percent of Americans would either be very comfortable or somewhat comfortable with seeing people open carry in public.

A PEW research poll showed that 57% of Americans believe that owning a gun could “protect people from becoming victims of a crime.”

The Crime Prevention Research Center (CPRC) recently released a report that indicates that since January of 2009 to July 2014 92% of all mass shootings in the US occurred in gun-free zones.

There are millions of defensive gun uses each year and about 32,000 gun fatalities, which includes, murder, suicide, and accidental deaths.

Research these links for yourself and you’ll find that the number of gun control supporters is very much the opposite of what the media portrays. I believe those anti-gun are the minority, and if it was the opposite, strict gun control would already be enforced as a whole in our society.

We have the NRA to support this claim: 5 million people that won’t budge or allow our right to bear arms to be infringed on. There are also many people not in the NRA who support the 2nd Amendment and understand the fact that the removal of guns increases crime and victimization of innocents. Keep it going strong America!

Author: Annie Stonebreaker

Annie is attending North Idaho College for a degree in journalism and is enjoying writing about everything guns for Defend and Carry. She finds our right to bear arms imperative and can get quite spicy on the topic. In her spare time she loves reading, playing outdoors, any water activities, eating sweet treats, eating in general, playing music or spending time with her Fiance, and being surrounded by good friends, conversation and laughter.

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