The Push For Open and Campus Carry In Florida Take Big Steps Forward

Proposals went through in two Florida Senate committees and are on to the next step


Two bills went through Senate committees in Florida and are halfway through making it to the final vote in senate that would make open carrying a reality. The bills would also make it possible for Floridians to carry concealed on school campuses according to the Miami Herald.

Florida is one of the 20 states that ban guns on college campuses.

Supporters of the “campus-carry” bill argued that it would allow students, professors and staff members to defend themselves against active shooters or sexual assault attacks.


“You certainly have my support to defend yourself the way you see fit,” Sen. Lizbeth Benacquisto, R-Fort Myers, told a woman who testified that having the ability to carry a gun on campus could have helped her when she was raped.


But opponents — including police chiefs, college and university presidents, professors and students — said that argument isn’t sound. They argue the proposal is likely to help attackers as much as or more than victims and will create a more dangerous environment, while also potentially costing colleges tens of millions of dollars in increased security expenses.

You tell me what sounds better. Continuing with a gun-free campus where those who intend on carrying out a mass shooting are completely unopposed, or letting students and staff arm themselves and the possibility of defense and protection is left open. Criminals and mass shooters will bring a gun on campus cloak tuck 3.0with or without a law, gun-free campuses allow them to carry out their plans knowing they will not be opposed. 92% of mass shootings since 2009 have happened in gun-free zones.
The opponents of this bill are incredibly ignorant and uninformed. You would think professors, police chiefs and university presidents would be willing to increase security expenses to protect their students. This bill would help attackers? Attackers will always be able to obtain guns, law or no law! Supposedly this bill will create a more dangerous environment? That is another outright lie that continually oozes its way out of gun control supporter’s lips.

It has been proved time and time again that there is no correlation between the amount of guns in an area and high rates of violence.

The other bill passed would basically allow those who have or obtain concealed permits to open carry wherever concealed carry is permitted.

Should both bills become law, concealed-weapons permit-holders would be able to, by default, openly carry weapons on college campuses.


Gaetz — whose son, Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fort Walton Beach, sponsored the House version — said the bill strengthens Second Amendment rights. Florida is one of only five states and the District of Columbia that prohibit the open carrying of handguns altogether.


But critics argue an open-carry law in Florida could invoke fear, rather than protection.


“It intimidates people and it makes for a less-friendly downtown shopping environment and it’s not the kind of world I want to live in,” said Sen. Jeff Clemens, D-Lake Worth.

It sounds like Sen. Jeff Clemens needs to find a new place to live, because Florida holds the record in the U.S for the amount of gun permits statewide (1.4 million). Maybe Chicago, where gun control is extremely strict yet “somehow” murder and crime run rampant. I don’t Sen. Clemens gets it…

Way to go Florida, keep it going! Sounds like common sense is finally making its way into their legislation.



Author: Annie Stonebreaker

Annie is attending North Idaho College for a degree in journalism and is enjoying writing about everything guns for Defend and Carry. She finds our right to bear arms imperative and can get quite spicy on the topic. In her spare time she loves reading, playing outdoors, any water activities, eating sweet treats, eating in general, playing music or spending time with her Fiance, and being surrounded by good friends, conversation and laughter.

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