There is No “Crime Wave”

There is no nationwide crime wave (and police killings are not up)


Last week, Mac Donald, the Thomas W. Smith Fellow at New York’s Manhattan Institute appeared on numerous TV channels, including Fox News and CNN. As is so common, the claims have become exaggerated, giving the impression that crime is on the rise all across the U.S.

Fortunately, that’s all hype. Mac Donald simply cherry-picked those places that had experienced rising crime rates. Overall, the 15 largest cities have actually experienced a slight decrease in murders.

You might have had friends or family talk to you about the recent “crime wave” that’s plaguing the country.  If not, expect to have this conversation soon.

This flat out misinformation is being slopped about on the internet and TV like it’s truer than blue skies.  What is actually happening is the typical sensationalizing we have to endure from major media outlets daily.

FoxNews is not totally innocent of this, but at least they fact checked the facts of Heather Mac Donald.  Like so many others she chose which data suited her agenda instead of giving us the facts.

Here is the truth, some cities have increased gun violence, but others have gone down.  If you include all of the major cities there has actually been a two percent drop in murders since 2014.

Now that you have the facts you can quiet the fears of anyone who brings up the mythical “crime wave.”

Author: Admin1

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