Geraldo Thinks The US Has “Far Too Many Creepy, Untrained People With Deadly Weapons”

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by AWR HAWKINS – Breitbart


On Friday, Fox News’ Geraldo Rivera said he “lament(s)” that the number of guns that are in America, including the guns that guns that people possess “legally.”


Rivera said these things during an appearance on Fox & Friends, after being asked to comment on a mom who had pulled a gun to stop a fight where one girl pinned another girl on the ground and was punching her in the head repeatedly.


The mother has been “charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.”


After watching the cell phone footage of the incident, Rivera responded: “First, I’ll talk about the guns. I think that there are far too many creepy, untrained people with deadly weapons in their possession legally, and I lament that. [But] that’s a gun control argument that I can never win.”

Geraldo, best known for taking a chair to the nose, opening an empty vault on live television, and taking half nude selfies, has decided he needed to weigh in on the rights of American gun ownership. To little surprise Geraldo feels that most Americans shouldn’t own weapons because we are positively unable to be responsible with them.

To Gerlado and many other anti-gun people, Americans simply aren’t to be trusted with guns; even to defend ourselves. Instead they believe that we should all rely entirely on the police, military, and specially trained security to protect us benignly.

Geraldo sees armed Americans exercising their 2nd Amendment right as “creepy” and doesn’t feel as though we have enough training to properly carry a weapon to defend ourselves. It is important that we remind ourselves that these are the kinds of thoughts many of our elected officials subscribe too, and why we must be ever vigilant in defending our right to bear arms.


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Author: Rob

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  • pocchr

    We have to many creepy folks with Law Degrees talking about things that know little about.