Ordering a Suppressor? UPS Can’t Help You With That

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UPS Refuses to Ship Suppressors


Via Daniel Xu at OutdoorHub

According to the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF), UPS recently made the decision to stop shipping suppressors, even between licensees.


UPS has not yet made an official announcement regarding the policy change, but appears to have modified the section of its website that describes its firearms policy to reflect that firearm “mufflers” and silencers will no longer be shipped by the company.


The company’s policy change comes just shortly before Vermont lawmakers passed a bipartisan bill to legalize suppressors in the state, which was quickly followed by a similar bill passing both chambers of the Minnesota legislature.


The NSSF indicated that it and other industry groups are working with UPS to reach an understanding on the policy change.

It is becoming all too common that companies are trying in some way to impose gun control.

This particular case seems especially dimwitted; UPS will mail all other firearm parts, but draw the line at suppressors. That’s like refusing to mail someone an exhaust pipe for their car.

I imagine someone at UPS watched a few too many James Bond movies and is now terrified of suppressors and tuxedos.

Fortunately, by using our wallets, we can make our opinion known with great speed and effectiveness.

Vote with your wallets and show UPS that our business will not stay with a company committing gun control shenanigans.

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Author: Aaron Rudd

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