When Gun Control Fails Politicians Enlist Hollywood

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Progressive Politicians and Hollywood Unite to Spread Anti-Gun Propaganda

Senator Chuck Schumer And Amy Schumer Joint Plan To Crackdown On Mass Shootings

Via Paul Markel @ The Blaze

New York Sen. Charles Schumer, a career politician who never met a gun control bill he didn’t like, realizing that his “likeability” factor with the masses is low, enlisted a currently popular Hollywood face to support his never-ending civilian disarmament goal. Amy Schumer, younger cousin of the senator, has joined the chorus of paid-pretenders who wish to convince you, the great unwashed, that just a little bit more gun control and a few more reasonable restrictions will prevent violent crime and tragedy in America.

The most brilliant propagandist technique will yield no success unless one fundamental principle is borne in mind constantly – it must confine itself to a few points and repeat them over and over” – Goebbels

Like Goebbels advised, the modern progressive keeps the talking points simple and repeats them ad nauseam until they accidentally become a part of the discussion and the culture.

This seems to be a growing trend amongst politicians especially around seriously polarized topics like gun control and climate change. The funny thing is that these stunts are normally met with such a level of hypocrisy that no one is able to take these campaigns seriously for long. Such is the case when politicians enlist actors who make millions of dollars annually perpetuating “gun violence” and then speak to the evil which is the gun itself in their backwards logic. Or the climate control summits that are attended by the mega-rich stars with their entourages in their Gulfstreams.

This pathetic attempt will be even more short-lived as there is absolutely no way to take Amy Schumer seriously in this context especially as she touts herself as the newfound messiah of gun control. The problem isn’t guns and Charles Schumer knows this better than most people in this country but that will never stop the attempts to disarm hard-working, law-abiding Americans.

Paul Markel goes on to layout what is a brilliant description of these talking points that get regurgitated over and over until they become ingrained in the minds of the masses:

“Gun Violence”

“Gun violence” is one of the most deliberately deceptive terms propagated in the progressive conversation.

It is as though Americans are supposed to forget that a criminal monster was holding the firearm when it was used during a violent crime. By using the term “gun violence” we move the argument away from the actual human and toward an inanimate object. Dealing with career criminals and thugs is difficult and requires guts. However, attacking the existence of an object requires no courage at all.

“Enough is Enough”

How could any reasonable person disagree with that? It is a meaningless platitude, but it is simple and hard to argue against. Who is going to come out and say “No, enough is not enough!”? No one, that’s who.

“Enough is enough” is akin to other meaningless phrases like “end racism,” as if there is a “begin racism” organization that must be combated.

“Gun Free Zones”

When faced with the unarguable failure of “gun free zones,” restrictive ownership licenses and permits, increasing background checks, and other invasions of privacy, the progressive left has only one card to play: Emotion. Bring out a popular Hollywood face and have them read your script with the practiced emotion they get paid big money to produce on cue.

As Goebbels knew so well, the truth is the enemy of the progressive state. If the great unwashed ever took a moment to park their emotions and consider the total and complete failure of stated purpose of gun control, the lie would fail. Therefore it is critically important to repeat the same simple phrases over and over and, whenever possible, have the words come from the lips of a young, popular woman.


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Author: Stephen Halverson

I am a happily married father of 6 with one last one on the way. I am a passionate supporter of The Second Amendment and The Bill Of Rights as a whole. I believe in supporting the rights of myself and of others whether I agree with those individuals or not.

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