Louisiana to Educate Elementary Students on Gun Safety

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Miguez’ gun safety in school bill advances



Via Zane Hill at The Daily Iberian

BATON ROUGE — The State Senate Committee on Education will take up state Rep. Blake Miguez’ bill to create public school gun safety education.


House Bill 446 left the chamber with a 94-3 approval Tuesday and, after being given a second reading Thursday by the Senate, was deferred to committee.


The bill in its current form would allow public schools to provide age-appropriate classroom instruction on firearm safety and accident prevention.


He said the primary opposition had concerns about taking away from academic time in the classrooms.

“We currently teach accident prevention programs for fire, electricity, (dealing with) strangers, (cleaning out) eyes,” Miguez said in a text message. “It would be incorporated into that already dedicated time.”

Education to prevent accidents with guns? I thought the only way to prevent child gun fatalities was to take everyone’s guns away.

Just kidding of course.  Would you starve someone who’s overweight? How about removing the hands of a shoplifter?

No, education is used to provide effective tools that can handle the current problem and reduce future occurrences.

As soon as gun controllers realize they are fighting a losing battle the sooner we can educate the next generation.

If we can teach kids about respecting the power of firearms there will definitely be a drop in gun-related accidents.

Remember, whether your school provides gun education or not you should be doing it yourself if there are firearms in your house.

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Author: Aaron Rudd

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