Oklahoma Moves To Abandon Gun Free School Zones, Give Teachers Guns

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New law will allow teachers to carry guns in Oklahoma schools

Group Of High School Students Walking Along Hallway


OKLAHOMA– Next school year, your child’s teacher could be standing at the chalkboard with a loaded weapon in tow.


“I think it’s dangerous. I don’t think they should be allowed to have guns in the school unless you’re a cop on duty,” Sharon Pullen, an Oklahoma parent, said.


“Yea I think it’s great to have at least one person in there with a gun. That way if there is an armed person that comes in there’s at least one person that can save the day,” Parent Denika Givens said.


Rep. Jeff Coody says not just anyone will be allowed to bring a gun on campus.


Only employees chosen by the school district will be approved to do so. They will also be required to have a license to carry and proper training.


Rep. Coody says this law could especially benefit smaller communities that do not have a police force.


“If that worse case situation occurs, there is the potential for an armed response on the part of the school to stop a perpetrator with deadly intent,” Rep. Coody said.


Drummond Superintendent Dr. Mike Wood says allowing staff to carry is something his district will talk about.


“To specifically state that we would do this, I think we would, if it was right. I do believe it’s something that will help schools,” Dr. Woods said.

Brace yourselves, my concealed-carry compadres, because the anti-gunners are going to whine like a bunch of wet kittens over this one. The thought of a gun on school grounds, regardless of who’s holding it, scares these people. This comes as a product of misinformation, caused by a biased media that covers only the negative aspects of firearms.


It’s time for anti-gunners to open their eyes and truly see the advantages of having a gun-toting teacher walking a school’s halls.


Let’s get something straight. Only licensed carriers, who are also hand-selected by the school, are eligible to carry within the premises. Not just any random schmo has the ability to holster a firearm with the new policy; this is a highly regulated set of rules.


Having armed teachers could and will save lives. All it takes is one CCW with a keen sense of situational awareness to prevent a massacre. Just one man or woman can protect a whole classroom of innocent children. No more hiding under desks and hoping the cops get there before the gunman breaks through the classroom door. Teachers and other school faculty members must arm themselves against the monsters of the world.


Just like one of the interviewers said, “I think it’s great to have at least one person in there with a gun. That way if there is an armed person that comes in there’s at least one person that can save the day.”

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Author: David

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