SC Insane Gun Control Including Full State Registration, No Semi-Auto

Insane Gun Control That Should Make You Cringe




In the wake of the shooting at Emanuel AME Church on June 17 senator Marlon Kimpson is introducing several pre-filed bills with the state Senate that will be included in the January session. The senator told the state “I don’t think there is any dispute that there is a direct correlation between weak gun laws and violence.”

The senator’s bills would:

  • Require background checks to be conducted through the State Law Enforcement Division and the federal system before a gun sale can be completed
  • Ban assault weapons, defined as semi-automatic firearms designed and configured for rapid fire and combat use
  • Close a three-day loophole that allows some S.C. gun purchasers to buy and take home a gun before a background check has been completed. That rule, and other errors in the federal background check, allowed alleged Charleston church shooter Dylann Roof to purchase a gun.
  • Require reporting of lost or stolen guns
  • Require state registration and permitting of all guns

While we say these are absolutely insane gun control proposals and they have a crazy ‘uphill’ battle, lately we’ve seen crazy initiatives like this pass in both Oregon and Washington. The common denominator in both of these cases was money, Michael Bloomberg and his heavily funded insane gun control groups like Moms Demand Action and the gun grabbers in Seattle who are also heavily funded by the Seattle Elite. I live in Washington state and I can personally say that i-594 has completely flipped gun ownership in Washington on its head.

These SC regulations would be taking it a step further than Washington and Oregon recently did by adding full bans and full registration. While they say that is only for weapons setup for ‘combat use’ they use the distinction of semi-auto which can just as easily include your semi-auto hunting rifles, shotguns, and even handguns.

Anytime that the government starts to require full registration of ALL firearms we need to start to get concerned and take action, additionally just banning a weapon based on how it looks and not its core function is something that goes way above and beyond sensible gun control.





Author: Annie Stonebreaker

Annie is attending North Idaho College for a degree in journalism and is enjoying writing about everything guns for Defend and Carry. She finds our right to bear arms imperative and can get quite spicy on the topic. In her spare time she loves reading, playing outdoors, any water activities, eating sweet treats, eating in general, playing music or spending time with her Fiance, and being surrounded by good friends, conversation and laughter.

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  • Lew Patton Jr

    I’ll go along with reporting lost or stolen guns.

    • Allen Benge

      But do we really need a law to tell people to report stolen property? Gun grabbers work in baby steps to try to make us totally helpless against criminals. A little bit here, a little bit there and soon only criminals and the government have guns (did I just repeat myself?) I saw a movie recently where only the police and military had firearms. It was called ‘Schindler’s List.’ First the Nazis told the Jews you have to turn in your firearms, then you have ot get in these boxcars. We all know what happened then. there is a great 554-minute documentary I wish we could require every member of Congress to view. It is called ‘Innocents Betrayed,’ and is put out by Jews for the Preservation of Firearm Ownership. It is the story of the millions of people disarmed by there governments for their ‘own safety.’ the next thing to happen is that same government slaughters it’s citizens in droves, because they have no defense. Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Castro, Pol Pot. Look at Rwanda, Cambodia. Red China, the Soviet Union. Stalin killed more Russians than all of Russia’s enemies in all their wars. Keep your cotton pickin’ hands off my gun rights, because I, for one, will not go quietly into that dark night. I have a world of respect for the modern Jew. If the Jews in the 30s and 40s, had sworn ot take one Nazi with them, Hitler would quickly have found a better target, like the Lower Slobbovians.

  • David Cochran

    Reporting lost or stolen guns is a given. It would be stupid not to. You shouldn’t even need a law to tell you to do that. But where do you stop with gun bans? They want to ban semi-auto military style guns. Does that include Beretta and Taurus pistols that look like the M-92? Does that include the M-1? Or how far back in history do we want to go with “military style” guns? I agree than no one should need a rocket launcher, but I happen to use an AR-15 for home defense. Would they rather us go back to pointy sticks, or are we going to ban those too?