Gay Pride Rally Discriminates Against Gay Open Carry Group

Video: Gay Open Carry Group Kicked Out of Gay Pride Rally


Via Mikael Thalen at

A gay open carry group was barred from entering a gay pride event in the state of Washington Saturday after event organizers claimed they were being “harmed psychologically” by the presence of firearms.

Set aside your opinion on the gay pride movement and look at this story from the perspective of a Second Amendment advocate.  Whether or not you support the gay pride movement this story perfectly showcases liberal media and Hollywood brainwashing. These parades and gatherings are organized specifically to promote anti-discrimination and acceptance—you could get away with saying it’s their only purpose. Instead, we have a group of gays being turned away like they’re carrying the black plague. Hollywood and liberal media have poisoned the well so badly that even organizations claiming to expand rights are trying to take away the right to bear arms.

After this display of discrimination I reckon many gun ranges could be considered more accepting. Every group I’ve shot guns with hasn’t cared about race, sex, or anything else—they only cared that you were interested in guns and there to have a good time. For all their talk on “equal rights,” Hollywood and other gun control groups are making it clear they want nothing to do with responsible gun owners.

Unable to enter the public event, the group returned the following day, only to receive even more condemnation for their constitutionally-protected activity.

You’d think the group in the video were popping off rounds, rather than carrying unloaded weapons in an effort to exercise their Second Amendment rights.  Yes, they probably could have been a little more discerning and expressed their rights in a less brazen way, especially after the ordeal with the father carrying his gun in an airport. That being said, they most likely would have been kicked out for any promotion of gun rights.

Believe it or not this isn’t the only instance where anti-gun sentiments have produced flat-out discrimination.  Steffon Josey-Davis asked the NAACP for help when he was wrongfully charged with a felony, and he was turned away like a leper.  He was pulled over and had a legally owned gun in his glove compartment, to avoid a potential ten year sentence Josey-Davis took a plea bargain that left him a felon.  An aspiring cop, Steffon turned to the NRA after being turned away by a group dedicated to fighting legal battles for black people.  Luckily, he has been pardoned and police academy’s around the country are offering him jobs, no thanks to the NAACP.

At the end of the day it doesn’t matter if you’re white, black, gay, straight or anything else. Expect to face blatant disregard for our Second Amendment rights as long as Hollywood and the liberal media are able to demonize guns and gun owners. We must continue to be vigilant and educate those around us, lest we see what rights we have disappear.


Author: Admin1

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  • Truth Talker

    LOL. What a joke of an article. This group has no brain for trying to bring guns into an event like this, and this author has no brain for trying to defend them. Somehow Hollywood and the liberal media are to blame? Nice try. How about coming back to reality and viewing the facts. No one is to blame for gun violence in this country other than the idiots pulling the trigger. Republicans are losing their shit because the country is PROGRESSING and turning away form their close-minded, bigoted messaging.
    Here’s an idea… Stop being “vigilant” about this and start writing articles on topics that actually matter: Income inequality, race tensions, education, infrastructure, student loans, global warming. Attempting to defend the 2nd Amendment with a half-assed argument is pathetic and should be the least of your worries.